Daphne Laan

Changemaker, business leader and trusted advisor on strategy & organizational development.

A pioneer and business leader in FMCG, Telco, Media, Technology & Social Impact since two decades. Daphne loves innovation, links strategy to execution and bridges worlds to create value and make things happen. As Lead for Women @ Google, Daphne took on the experiment: what happens when you follow your heart in a business context? Then doors open unexpectedly.

Daphne brings freedom in thinking and doing, combines a direct, open style with sensitivity. Daphne knows how to get to the essence in the most complex situations and brings clarity in direction. Because she has extensively worked in and with multinationals and multidisciplinary international teams, stakeholder management and bringing people together around a vision is her forte. Daphne brings an honest and open conversation, transparency, equality, dares to shake up in a respectful & playful manner that keeps relations strong. Her natural out of the box thinking makes her a welcome boardroom challenger.

Daphne holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration, majored in Management of Information Technology, holds a postgraduate in Executive Coaching at Ashridge Business School and a postgraduate in Team Coaching at VU University.

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